Personal Training at Our Gyms in Reisterstown, Timonium, & Baltimore
While you won’t find one tucked beneath the tree on Christmas morning, these amazing tools change the lives of countless people every day. No, we’re not talking about the latest gizmo or gadget. In fact, we’re not talking about a thing at all. Rather, we’re talking about people — specifically, personal trainers. Here’s a closer look at six reasons to pause and appreciate your personal trainer this holiday season.
1. Your personal trainer can help you stay accountable.
Between the abundance of festive food and drink to holiday commitments which can supersede working out, it’s not news that this time of year can be rough on diet and exercise routines. Unfortunately, this can lead people to lose sight of their fitness goals over the holidays. But why start an entirely new year feeling bad about yourself when you can kick the year off feeling great instead? Regular appointments with a personal trainer can help you stay motivated and accountable.
2. Your personal trainer can help you get back on track.
In a perfect world, you’d eat right and work out every day. In the busy world you live in, however, this isn’t always possible. The reality is that everyone falls off the wagon every now and then. Returning to the gym after taking time off can be hard on both the mind and the body. A personal trainer will work with you to help you set attainable goals while also devising a specific and realistic plan for achieving them. Plus, your trainer can also help you minimize injuries and maximize results by teaching you to move your body in the most efficient and effective way.
3. Your personal trainer can offer targeted, sport-specific advice.
Whether you’re aiming to trim a few strokes off of your golf game or gearing up to run your first 10K, a personal trainer will craft a workout program customized to help you succeed. At the same time, he or she will also make sure you’re not overdoing it, which is vital for injury prevention as well as avoiding burnout.
3. Your personal trainer can help you with holistic health.
Sure, personal trainers are experts when it comes to exercise. But a certified personal trainer is also trained in nutrition. Given that diet and exercise are two parts to the fitness puzzle, working with someone who can help you with both of these interlinked aspects is the best way to position yourself to reach your overall health and wellness goals.
4. Your personal trainer can help you age gracefully.
The holiday season means yet another flip of the calendar page with an entirely new year waiting on the other side. As much as everyone might like to think otherwise, this means everyone is getting older. A personal trainer can offer phenomenal partnership in helping you build strength and foster functionality toward ongoing vitality.
5. Your personal trainer can help you build confidence.
Few people walk into the gym for the first time and feel ready to conquer the world. This can be a major deterrent for anyone looking to step outside their comfort zone and try something new. A personal trainer can help you overcome any trepidation you may have about using the weight room or trying a piece of unfamiliar cardio equipment. With the right encouragement and support, you’ll feel like a pro in no time!

6. A personal trainer can help you be your best self.
Speaking of stepping outside your comfort zone, even lifelong fitness enthusiasts end up in a going through the motions every now and then. If you’re in a rut, it may be because your fitness routine has gotten stale. A certified personal trainer can help you amp up the intensity and explore new ways to push through a plateau and see progress again.
The takeaway? While your personal trainer’s announcement of “Just 10 more burpees” may make you want to moan, the truth is that you’re getting much more than you’re giving. Keeping this in mind can help turn those groans into gratitude. To start discovering these and many other benefits for yourself, sign up for a personal trainer session at Brick Bodies today.